Special Notices

Grand Lodge Nomination Guidelines

Brethren, I have been advised by the D.D.G.M. that if you are interested in a position for Grand Lodge, you are to contact R.W.Bro. Paul Isaac for more information.


Strategic Planning Toolkit Now Available

After a brief delay due to technical challenges I am pleased to announce that the much anticipated Strategic Action Planning Toolkit is now available.

Click to see the attached announcement for distribution

I am pleased to announce that the Strategic Action Plans for Lodges Toolkit is now available on the Grand Lodge website – https://grandlodge.on.ca/index.php/operations/planning

Strategic Action Planning for Lodges offers a process for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a Lodge and prioritizing the weakness for action. The Strategic Action Planning Toolkit supports the process by providing guidance to the process and resources for action.

Lodges wishing to use the Strategic Action Planning process will find the Toolkit provides a comprehensive guide for the Lodge to execute. For those Lodges wishing to utilize the services of a facilitator to assist them through the process, please contact the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee.

If your District has not had the benefit of a presentation regarding Strategic Action Plans for Lodges at a District meeting and would like to receive this 30 minute presentation, please contact the Chairman of Strategic Planning to make arrangements for a presentation at an upcoming District meeting.

The Strategic Action Planning process and Toolkit are intended to help your Lodge become the best Lodge it can be!

R.W. Bro. Richard Kaufman
Chairman – Strategic Planning Committee